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We can help you in any question you might think. Below we illustrate some common queries we received from our clients and partners.

BiopsySoft APLIS & HTS aims to assists Anatomical Pathology Labs (Histopathology and Cytopathology) in Unique Specimen Identification and Advanced Specimen Tracking. It offers decentralized and centralized management. All Lab roles can manage their own concerns in a clear and self-explanatory way.

With BiopsySoft APLIS & HTS you can print internal barcoding indentification in Papers, Containers, Cassettes and Slides. BiopsySoft uses sophisticated mechanisms for printing Barcodes, based on Lab demands. For instance you can specify the number and types of slides to be printed based on Lab's protocols with one-click. BiopsySoft can print simultaneously on different slide printers based on the type of the slide (Unstained and HE slides), without human intervention. BiopsySoft will choose which slides will be printed to the designated printer automatically.

All items can be then scanned and identified by the system, while tracking their LIVE status.

On the contrary. The System is built from expert Pathologists, Anatomic Pathology Technicians and Secretaries dedicated to Anatomic Pathology Laboratories. The whole Platform is developed to provide the less interaction with the system possible, diminishing the need of keyboard, elevating the value of Barcoding and easy Scanning.

BiopsySoft software is a mature and stable software for Anatomic Pathology Labs. It has been developed by HealthCare domain experts. BiopsySoft is only suitable for Anatomic Pathology Labs, meaning that it has not been configured or originated from other general purpose LIS software.

You can request a live demo, contacting our professionals. We can suggest physically visiting one of our customers' Lab working with BiopsySoft to have a full experience in real working environments.

Request a demo

Please feel free to contact any of our customers illustrated below. We can either provide you contact persons. All of our customers are large scaled Anatomic Pathology Labs, the best known in Greece. We can suggest physically visiting one of the Labs working with BiopsySoft to experience BiopsySoft operation in real environments.

Communicate with Our Customers and Partners

The largest Private Health Organizations in Greece trust us for handling the Anatomic Pathology processes (Histopathology and Cytopathology). Big diagnostics companies suggest our Platform!

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Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry. Our doctors will receive or return any urgent calls.

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